#kataang criticism


On this April Fool’s…

Let’s acknowledge the fools who declare that Kataang “won” just because these characters married and had kids together. 

…the fools who don’t bat an eye as they notice elderly Katara living a reclusive, quiet, practically purposeless existence in the South Pole…

…who don’t question Katara’s lack of contribution to the world (outside of being the Avatar’s wife, an on-call healer, and just-in-case-you-wondered-if she-ever-overcame-her-Bloodbending-trauma-oh-hmm-I-guess-not attempting to cease the practice of Bloodbending)…

…who turn a deaf ear to Katara and Aang’s said kids talking about how, as middle-aged adults, they stillfeel emotionally and culturally divided as a family.  

Sure.  In canon, Kataang won… but what did that win, exactly?
